Prudent Equity
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Prudent Equity

Our effort here is to help our members earn above average investment returns. We believe we have a disciplined and opportunistic investment approach that offers the most sensible and rational approach to building wealth. The goal is to recommend those stocks that increase your capital at high rates over a long term period while employing less risk (risk in an investment context means: The risk of permanent loss of capital)."

Our effort here is to help our members earn above average investment returns. We believe we have a disciplined and opportunistic investment approach that offers the most sensible and rational approach to building wealth. The goal is to recommend those stocks that increase your capital at high rates over a long term period while employing less risk (risk in an investment context means: The risk of permanent loss of capital)."

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Frequently asked questions

What are the products offered?
Prudent Equity - GARP, This strategy aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in a basket of stocks across various sizes, ranging from small to giant cap companies. Our focus will be to identify companies displaying substantial growth and capturing them at a reasonable price., The strategy has consistently beaten its benchmark (BSE Smallcap Index) over the long-term by a significant margin., Prudent Equity - Enhancing Value, This strategy aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of upto 30 stocks. Though there is no market cap restriction, mostly the stocks would be small caps (Market cap of less than ₹ 12,000 crores) as small caps are generally under-researched and priced inefficiently. The strategy would invest in stocks that meet our quality and valuation criteria while at the same time are witnessing healthy growth. , The strategy has consistently beaten its benchmark (BSE Smallcap Index) over the long-term by a significant margin.
What is their investment philosophy?
Our investment philosophy is to help our members generate above average returns with a focus on capital protection. We use a combination of fundamental, momentum and technical parameters to help our members generate substantial returns. Our selection criteria consists of stocks displaying Growth At Reasonable Price.
What is a smallcase ?
A smallcase is a basket of stocks/ETFs* in a specified weighting scheme that reflects a certain objective (ideas, themes, strategies), backed by the research of the smallcase manager. You can invest in a smallcase in 2 clicks., *ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are baskets of securities that track an underlying index (Nifty, Gold, etc) and can be bought and sold on the exchange.
Who can subscribe to these smallcases?
The smallcase manager decides who can invest in the smallcases created by them and can create two types of smallcases :, Exclusive smallcases : smallcases which require a subscription to the smallcase manager's Advisory in order to invest in the smallcase. You can subscribe to a smallcase directly from the smallcase profile through the subscription form., Public smallcases : smallcases in which anyone who has an account with our partner brokers can invest. You can invest in this smallcase by clicking on “Buy smallcase” in the smallcase profile and logging with your broker credentials.,
How do I track my smallcases?
When you buy a smallcase, the index value is set to 100 on the buy day - this helps you track the total returns without having to monitor each stock. You can also use the performance metrics to get a more detailed understanding of your smallcase.
How can I cancel my eMandate?
One of the payment method available to subscribe to a fee based smallcase is eNACH where an e-Mandate is created., If you want to cancel your e-Mandate(s) linked with any of your fee based smallcase subscription, please drop an email to with the following details:, Email used for subscription, Subscribed smallcase Name, We will share the mandate(s) details in response to your request including the below:, Mandate maximum limit, Mandate Validity, UMRN no. (Unique Mandate Registration Number), To proceed with the cancellation of the mandate, we would require your confirmation by email after verifying the mandate and payment details. , After receiving your confirmation, we will process the mandate cancellation and update you with the status within 72 hours.
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